Start the journey of growing your wealth

Get practical advice and steps to grow your personal wealth, and experience financial freedom.

Are you struggling to make ends meet or feel that financial security is out of reach?

The courses below will help you:

Demystify personal finance

Build a plan for financial success

Set you up with a financial plan and earn dividends for life

A message from Hugh

Over the past couple of years, I have read more than 50 books on personal finance and investing and I spent many hundreds of hours learning everything I can on these subjects. Through these courses, I distill these learnings into a simple understandable format that the everyday person can easily use.

“Making Money Work really gets your mind thinking about the possibilities you can create for your financial future.”


“This course has strengthened my confidence in understanding my personal finances, budgeting, investments, taxes, insurance, and saving for retirement.”


“Complex topics were broken down into digestible pieces, allowing anyone to understand budgeting, investing, debt and more.”
