Tip: Come to grips with financial statements

I recently ran a financial statement 101 training course for a group of people in my company

I recently ran a financial statement 101 training course for a group of people in my company. For the non-accounting folk attending, many found that financial statements weren't as scary or indecipherable as they had once thought. One hour's training, and maybe a recap, and they were off to the races as budding accountants 😊. Suppose you want to be a serious investor and to be able to research individual companies. In that case, you should be able to read and interpret basic income statements and balance sheets. Find some basic training material and go through that a couple of times – I will also be happy to share the video of the training I did. Please just ask. The reading and interpreting the financial statements will feel difficult and cumbersome at first. Still, with some application and practice, you can become very handy and you won't look back from there.

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